
An Index to Pan American Instruments

This list is intended to be used only with brass instruments as it appears that a separate sequence was used for woodwinds. Like most serial number lists, this is a constructed table. And, although, statistical measures have been used to supply as accurate a table as we are able, it is still constructed mathematically, and though various resources have been used to further accuracy, sources have not been exhaustive, so some error is likely. If you note any discrepancies, or have additional information concerning this company, please contact us here at Horn-u-copia.

Cavalier was a sub- brand for Pan American, used primarily as a method of supplying instruments by separate marketing and distribution. Cavalier was instituted in 1931, and used its own separate serial number list. Horn-u-copia is in the process of developing a tentative serial number list for Cavalier that we plan to include on this page. If you have examples of Cavalier instruments and would like to help with this project, please contact us.

Serial Number Year Manufactured
1 1917
3500 1918
8000 1919
13000 1920
19167 1921
25334 1922
31501 1923
37668 1924
43835 1925
50000 1926
57000 1927
65000 1928
75000 1929
82000 1930
87500 1931
93571 1932
99642 1933
105713 1934
111784 1935
117855 1936
123926 1937
130000 1938
137000 1939
145000 1940
152000 1941
154500 1942
154600 1943
154700 1944
154800 1945
155000 1946
158000 1947
162000 1948
178857 1949
195714 1950
212571 1951
229428 1952
246285 1953
263142 1954
280000 1955
571750 1956
652002 1957
718626 1958

In 1917, Conn began the American First line as its first entry in the student market. American First was registered in 1918.

In November 1919, was Pan American incorporated and a factory built. The use of a prefix "P" was started around this time, and was used for approximately 10 years. The "P" prefix has no impact on the serial count, and can be ignored other than as a indication that the instrument was built in or near the 1920s. Other Prefixes were used on some Pan American products that were instended for other markts. The Cavalier line used an "O" prefix, and the International line used an "A" prefix

In 1955, Pan American serials were synced with Conn Serials starting at 500001.

Table developed by Kevin McKnight

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