
An Index to Conn Instruments

The long history of the Conn Company, and interest in it's products has resulted in a serial list that is probably more accurate than most such data tables for other manufacturers. However it should be noted that Conn maintained several different serial number sequences. Those that are listed here are for brass instruments only, and not woodwinds.

Pan American and Cavalier

Like most serial number lists, this is a constructed table. And, the Pan American and Cavalier portions of this table are clearly a work in progress. Although, statistical measures have been used to supply a list that is accurate, it is still constructed mathematically, and though various resources have been used to further accuracy, sources have not been exhaustive, so some error is likely.

Cavalier was a sub- brand for Pan American, used primarily as a method of supplying instruments by separate marketing and distribution. Cavalier was instituted in 1931, and used its own separate serial number list.

Horn-u-copia is in the process of improving these tentative serial number lists. It appears that Pan American and Cavaier had separate sequences for trombones. Lists for these trombones are pending.

If you note any discrepancies, or have additional information concerning this company, please contact us here at Horn-u-copia.

year Conn Pan American Pan American Trombones Cavalier Cavalier Trombones
1876 1
1877 191
1878 380
1879 680
1880 980
1881 1280
1882 1580
1883 2000
1884 3500
1885 6500
1886 9500
1887 12500
1888 17691
1889 22878
1890 28065
1891 33252
1892 38439
1893 43626
1894 48813
1895 54000
1896 57250
1897 60500
1898 63750
1899 67000
1900 68668
1901 70334
1902 72000
1903 76750
1904 81500
1905 86500
1906 91500
1907 96500
1908 101444
1909 107096
1910 112748
1911 117696
1912 123348
1913 129000
1914 135334
1915 141667
1916 148000
1917 153375 1
1918 158750 3500
1919 164125 8000
1920 169500 13000
1921 175500 19167
1922 190450 25334
1923 198475 31501
1924 206700 37668
1925 219850 43835
1926 230900 50000
1927 239500 57000
1928 252900 65000
1929 263200 75000
1930 273700 82000
1931 280130 87500 1
1932 281360 93571 1000
1933 289743 99642 2000
1934 294687 105713 3000
1935 300690 111784 7000
1936 307996 117855 1200
1937 315575 123926 17000
1938 322650 130000 23000
1939 324859 137000 32000
1940 327850 145000 41000
1941 338500 152000 75000
1942 348150 154500 66000
1943 354600 154600
1944 355500 154700
1945 355750 154800
1946 355850 155000
1947 366650 158000
1948 376100 162000
1949 383650 178857
1950 389600 195714
1951 393301 212571
1952 396300 229428
1953 420057 246285
1954 427301 263142
1955 500001 280000
1956 571850 (571750)
1957 652002 (652002)
1958 718626 (718626)
1959 779657
1960 834200
1961 898556
1962 949465
1963 C00501
1964 C73854
1965 E54106
1966 H31247
1967 K35274
1968 L20454
1969 "M" prefix
Because of frequent changes of ownership, serial number configurations also changed frequently; which makes the chronological chart complex and tentative.
1970 "N" prefix
1971 "P" prefix
1972 "R" prefix
1973 GA30000 or "R" prefix
1974 GA40000
1975 GA50000
1976 GA60000
1977 GA70000
1978 GA80000
1979 GA90000
S series student model instrument were used in the years 1980-1986. Grey serials are more speculative
1980 128692-145001 or HA00000
1981 145002-154753 or HA16500
1982 154954-170073 or HA23431 or SS0000
1983 170074-184336 or HA33389 or SS300428
1984 184339-201207 or HA45522 or SS400434
1985 201208-221243 or HA58992 or SS500000
1986 221244-240141 or HA68842 or 36 prefix
1987 240142-261765 or HA76618 or 37 prefix
1988 261466-273178 or 38 prefix
1989 39 prefix
1990 40 prefix
1991 41 prefix
1992 42 prefix
1993 43 prefix
1994 44 prefix
1995-2000 5 prefix with spacer


The years 1967 to March 1974 (when Conn moved their brass manufacturing to Abilene, Texas), is a period where at least some of the instruments were inferior in quality

In March of 1974 an alpha-numeric system was established: The first character of the serial number indicated the decade;

The second character indicated the month of the year;

The third character indicated the year within the decade (defined by the first letter).

The fourth character indicated the instrument:

The remaining numbers indicated the production number within the month.

From 1987 on, the two-digit prefix number plus 50 will give you the year of manufacture.

Pan American and Cavalier

In 1917, Conn began the American First line as its first entry in the student market. American First was registered in 1918.

In November 1919, was Pan American incorporated and a factory built. The use of a prefix "P" was started around this time, and was used for approximately 10 years. The "P" prefix has no impact on the serial count, and can be ignored other than as a indication that the instrument was built in or near the 1920s. Other Prefixes were used on some Pan American products that were instended for other markts. The Cavalier line used an "O" prefix, and the International line used an "A" prefix

In 1955, Pan American serials were synced with Conn Serials starting at 500001.

Pan American and Cavalier Table information developed by Kevin McKnight

Allied Supply
Music Trader
Conn Loyalist
and in consultation with Kevin McKnight


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