
Selmer Paris Models in 1936:

350, cornet with reversed third valve / leadpipe configuration.
351, cornet,
353, cornet with rotary key quick changes.

Modale A, C trumpet?
354, trumpet in Bb.
354, trumpet in C.
358, balanced Bb trumpet
358B, regular Bb trumpet.
358D, Bb trumpet with first valve finger ring.
360, trumpet in D with four pistons.

362, trombone, tight wrap.
363, trombone, broader wrap.
365, valve trombone.
367, upright valve trombone.

369, flugelhorn with vertical valve slides.
370, flugelhorn with horizontal valve slides.

371, Alto horn.
372, Baritone horn.

376, three piston tuba.
377, four piston tuba.
378, five piston tuba
379, six piston tuba.
380, BBb tuba.
382, BBb tuba.

392, french horn.
393, french horn.
395, french horn.
396, french horn.

Trumpets from 1937 and the following 20 years used a number-letter combination as a code for their design.
A, balanced Bb-trumpets.
B, normal Bb-trumpets.
C, C-trumpets.
Numbers were from 19 to 25. The numbers represent different leadpipes and bores, with 19 as the smallest one and 25 as the biggest one. For example 24B is a normal Bb-trumpet with a ML bore.

In the late 50s, came the K-modified trumpet, also using these letters (B,C) and numbers plus a lightweight model.

In the 60s, after the K-mod. came the Radial 2, still with the letters (B.C) but now with other numbers.
99 - 11.90 mm.
77 - 11.77 mm.
66 - 11.66 mm.
and then there was an unmarked model which is reported to have the same bore as the 66.

The Selmer Deville trumpet appeared between the K. mod and the Radial 2, but only in two versions, Bb and C with extra Bb slide. At about that time there were also other models around as the Selmer Sabarich trumpet, made for classical trumpeter Raymond Sabarich, and the Selmer M660, a lightweight model.

Later discontinued Selmer Paris instruments are the Selmer 700 models (all brass instruments)

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