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Whitmore Instruments
Whitmore & Mansfield Instruments

Whitmore & Mansfield

Boston, MA



Osceola A. Whitmore (1838 in Reading, VT/1918 Malden, MA)Eben Mansfield (1851 Maine/1908 Malden, MA). They both lived on Salem Street Boston (1869-?)

1872: Eben B. Mansfield is a banjo manufacturer in Boston

1872-75: O. A. Whitmore is a musician in Boston

1880: Whitmore & Mansfield share a copyright for a music stand, #229622

1881-82: Whitmore is clarinet player for the Boston Symphony Orchestra

1882-84: Whitmore has a music shop at 178 Washington St., Boston, advertises as manufacturer, dealer, & importer of musical instruments

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