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Paling Instruments

W.H. Paling & Co Ltd.




Although, some instruments are marked, Paris, it appears that Paling was a Dealer in Australia.

Paling (1825-1895) was originally from the Woerden Netherlands. His father was a piano maker. He was trained as violinist and was appointed as a violin teacher at the Academy in Rotterdam, and first violinist of the Royal Holland Academy. He moved to Sydney in 1853.

In Australia, Paling quickly became a music teacher, Professor, performer, composer and entrepreneur. He opened a warehouse at 83 Wynyard Square. He acquired a site in Barrack Street, opened a showroom at 352 George Street in 1875 and another in Ash Street in 1880. In 1883, at 356 George Street and reorganized the business as a limited liability company. In 1891 Paling moved to 338 George Street. He also opened stores at Toowoomba in 1884, Brisbane in 1888 and Newcastle in 1892. Though the concern concentrated on pianos, they also dealt in music and other instruments.

He advertised as sole Agent for Boosey.

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