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Meredith Instruments


2 bell cornet
Open Tone cornet
2nd version Open Tone cornet
Piston/axial rotary valve

Albert Meredith

Marion OH, Long Beach CA.



Invented the Open-Tone cornet with separate bells for different registers.

  • 1869 Meredith born on December 14th in Waring, OH
  • 1883 starts playing cornet; living in Marion, OH (Long Beach Independent article 5/15/1949)
  • 1900 in Elkhart, #103 S. Third St., jeweler, single (census)
  • 1901 living in Tahlequah in the Cherokee Nation in January 1901 living in Elkhart, Indiana in December
  • 1903 married Leah Wise in Union, Kentucky; he is working as a jeweler in Marion, OH
  • 1904 The Meredith Band Instrument Co. was incorporated on July 29th with $10,000 capital; Z. Meredith, L. B. McNeal, J. F. McNeal, G. W. Baker & William Dowler.
  • 1906 granted patent #814,615 for cornet improvements filed in 1901; he is living in Marion, Ohio in December; son Randolph is born
  • 1907 forms the Meredith Band Instrument Co. in Marion, Ohio
  • 1909 granted patent #939,285 for open tone cornet design filed in 1901; granted divorce from Leah
  • 1912 granted patent #1,040,372 for open tone cornet design filed in 1906
  • 1914 band instrument manufacturer in Marion; marries Grace
  • 1916 daughter Marjorie is born in Marion
  • 1918 The Meredith Band Inst. Co. is dissolved May 29th (perhaps just ending the partnership)
  • 1919 Meredith Band Inst. Co., #224 State St, Marion (advert.)
  • 1920 musical instrument manufacturer in Marion (census); a news report from August says Meredith is closing his business on North State St. and is storing the equipment until he finds a new west coast location; he had been on State St. for several years
  • 1920s early 20s ads have him still in Marion
  • 1925 moves operation to Long Beach from Marion due to bronchitis (LB Independent article 5/15/49)
  • 1930 the Meredith Band Instruments Co. first appears in the Long Beach, CA directory, #1084 Obispo Ave. The company name appears only from 1930-1932 then it"s just under his name as manufacturer & repairer.
  • 1935 Z. Albert Meredith, musical instruments, #1084 Obispo
  • 1940 at #1084 Obispo, divorced, musical instrument repair
  • 1945 his residence is at #2741 Wall
  • 1949 a newspaper article from May 15th says that Meredith has a ‘small, musty shop at 1084 Obispo Ave’ and that he was 80 years old; moved there in 1925 from Marion
  • 1953 Meredith is no longer listed in the city directory; he is living in Long Beach and files for valve patent with assignor to Donald & George Heaston
  • 1956 Meredith dies on January 9th in Long Beach CA at age 86; his business is now owned by Donald Heaston 1957 granted patent #2,794,358

It"s never given in any document found so far what ‘Z’ stands for but Donald Heaston said it was added by Albert. About 900 total cornets were made, mostly in Marion.

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