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Wohlrab Instruments


Valve or piston mechanism





Wohlrab trumpets were built by Bauerfeind in Nauheim, supposedly, Wohlrab was working for them.

In 1950 Curt Wohlrab Jr. applied for a US patent for his unique piston valve design which moves the tuning slides inside the pistons. The patent is assigned to Musik-Haus Wohlrab GmbH. And, in 1954 US patent #2,665,606 is granted.

Serial numbers range from 1,000 to 6,000. and are marked, Made in Germany.

Wohlrab also made normal trumpets. These generally have a third slide ring, angled tuning slide brace, and bottom water keys. These trumpets also show up labeled Hopf New Sound, La Sete, olden Star,American or Keytone Rexton.

Wohlrab was one of the suppliers of La Sete, and M. Koriot trumpets.

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