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Mahillon 1911 Catalog

Mahillon Instruments
Smits Instruments
Steenhuysen Instruments

Charles Mahillon




Charles Mahillon founded his business in 1836, and continued in business until 1935. In its earlier years appear to have been a notable highly regarded company, but in later years, they slowed down. There was also a Mahillon & Co, in London, from 1844-1922 which was a branch of the above company. The firm closed in 1999. Mahillon Logo

Jean Smits worked from1930 to 1970. He started as a brass instrument repair workshop. Two years later he moved to Bruxelles rue Berthelot 114-116 and specialized in the repair of wind instruments and in the manufacture of automotive radiators and lights. In 1937 Smits took over Mahillon located rue Freres Orphan 23 and started with the manufacturing of musical instruments engraved with C. Mahillon succ. J. Smits. Smits participated in the Universal exhibition New York 1939. He was also a member of the Chambre Syndicale des facteur Belge d‘instruments de musique until 1959. In 1970 he sold his firm to Steenhuysen. source Haine & Meeus 1985

Pierre II Steenhuysen (Anderlecht 1930) and his cousin Roger Steenhuysen (Anderlecht 1935) after being trained at their Father’s workshop became associates in this firm in 1969. In 1970 he bought the firm Mahillon that since 1937 was in the hands of Jean Smits. The name was changed to Mahillon And eight years later in Musical Mahillon Steenhuysen. They used Wonder as a model name. From 1985, Steenhuysen is principally concerned with the restoration and the maintenance of brass. Besides some instruments of his marquee, it sells the instruments of foreign brands such as Getzen, Schilke, and Yamaha. In 1985 the workshop is still at rue de Transvaal 43 in Bruxelles.1 J

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