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LeComte 1910 Catalog

Lecomte Instruments





  • 1850s worked with brass maker Gautrot Lecomte Logo
  • 1859 established by Arsene Zoe Lecomte (1818-1892)
  • 1860 registered trademark tuning fork & A.L. & Cie 1862 work force of 100
  • 1874 designed a duplex clarion / trumpet
  • 1875 registered A. Lecomte & Cie. Paris trademark
  • 1876 located at Rue St. Gilles 12, Paris; exhibited in Philadelphia, PA
  • 1888 first maker to apply part of the Boehm system to the saxophone
  • 1889 merged with Massain & Thibouville to add woodwind instruments
  • 1890 registered trademark name with rue St. Gilles 12 added
  • 1892 Lecomte dies
  • 1898 Charles & Jacques Ullmann are successors

Brass instruments were imported to the US by Lehnert (Phila.), D.C. Hall (Boston), C.J. Whitney (Detroit), Lyon & Healy. Imports to Canada were by Peter Grossman of Hamilton and A&S Nordheimer of Toronto.

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