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Kummer & Schetelich Instruments
Schetelich Instruments
Schetlich Instruments

Kummer & Schetelich

Baltimore, MD



The K&S Workshop: image From the directory listings it appears that the shop was at 81-83 N. Front (234-236 after the 1887 street re-numbering) yet K&S is only listed at #81 and #83 doesn’t appear until the apparent ending of the partnership in 1876. Most instruments are labeled for K&S and only two others found so far are Henry W. Schetlich (one of which is labeled ‘Austria’ so is an import). Overall, brass instruments were made or sold under these names from 1858-1921. There is also a variation in the spelling. Sometimes it is Schetlich, but more often it is Schetelich

Charles W. Kummer: (1819-c1901), brother to August; first appears in 1860 in the city directory at 89 North Front St as a musical instrument maker; listed as co-owner of Kummer & Schetelich at 81 N. Front from 1863-1875 then by himself at the same address until at least 1893; the 1901 directory lists him as instrument repair at 227 Harrison; he is not listed in 1903 or later

August Kummer: (1827-1895), he first appears in the city directory in 1858 on Harrison St. and stays there until his death except for a couple of years in other locations; he is never listed with Kummer & Schetelich so it isn’t clear how involved he was with them; he is always listed as a musical instrument maker (Harrison St. may have been his residence).

William Schetelich: (1832-1877), nephew of Charles Kummer and living with him in the 1860 census; listed as co-owner of Kummer & Schetelich from 1863-1875 then separate in 1876-1877 next door at 83 N. Front; not listed after 1877.

image Henry W. Schetlich: (c.1835-1921), nephew of Charles Kummer and brother or cousin of William; he is living with August in 1876-77 then listed as instrument maker at 83 N. Front from 1878-1891; 1892-1904 listed as musical instruments at 137 N. Gay (a residence).

August Kummer Jr.: (1866-after 1930), son of August; shown at same Harrison St. address from 1882-1892 but never under instruments; sometimes listed as a clerk or barber.

Frederick B. Schetlich: (1867-?), son of Henry; listed as a musician with Henry from 1883-1888 then again with Henry from 1891-1903; last listed in 1904 as a musician at 516 N. Bond St.

Arny Hentschel: one article says that he was a relative who worked as an apprentice in the shop in 1860

image Charles E. Schetlich: (1875-?), son of William or Henry; first listed as woodworker with Henry at 326 N. Front St. in 1891-92 but a gap in available directories makes him a mystery until he appears as a musician in 1901 at 335 N. Gay then under musical instruments at the same address from 1904-1921; in 1922 he is a jeweler

  • 1858 August Kummer, instrument maker, 93 Harrison 1860 August Kummer, mim, 47 Harrison; Charles Kummer,mim, 89 N. Front
  • 1863 Kummer & Schetelich, (Charles K. & William S.) 81 N. Front; August at 47 Harrison
  • 1875 last year for K&S listing
  • 1876 Charles K at 81 N. Front; William S. at 83 N. Front
  • 1877 William Schetelich dies; 83 is then listed under Henry W. Shetlich
  • 1882 August Kummer, Jr. joins as a clerk, 47 Harrison; only listed with them 2 years
  • 1883 Fred Schetlich joins Henry at 83 N. Front
  • 1887 streets are renumbered and 81-83 becomes 324-26 1888 August Sr. now at 602 Etna Ln (he is never listed at the factory address on N. Front so perhaps he is always listed under his residence)
  • 1890 August Sr. now at 147 Harrison; William Strange Jr. joins Charles at 324 N. Front
  • 1891 Charles E. Schetlich, woodworker, joins Henry at #326 1892 August Sr. now at 807 W. Barre; Henry, Charles & Fred Schetlich are all listed at 137 N. Gay
  • 1893 August is now at 131 Harrison
  • image 1895 August Kummer, Sr. dies on August 16th
  • 1901 Charles Kummer, musical instrument repair, 227 Harrison; he dies this year; Charles E. Schetlech is listed as a musician at 335 N. Gay; Henry &l; Fred are at 137 N. Gay
  • 1904 Charles E. Schetlich, musical inst, 335 N. Gay; Henry still at 137 N. Gay; Fred is musician at 516 N. Bond
  • 1921 last year Charles Schetlich listed under musical instruments at 335 N. Gay St.
  • 1922 Charles now a jeweler

    image image Photos: top four are Kummer Schetelich; right: cornet marked H.W. Schetlich left: C.E. Schetlich imported cornet from Austria c.1915

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