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In 1939, T.J. Getzen started his own company after working for Holton, initially doing instrument repair.
In 1946, he starts making trombones, followed by trumpets and cornets the following year, and adds piston bugles to product line in 1949.
In 1960, the company is sold to Harold Knowlton, who moves the plant to 211 West Centralia Street, and they begin to manufacture a complete line of professional trumpets, cornets, and fluegel horns.
In 1963, the Getzen factory is destroyed by fire. By 1964, operations are resumed.
In 1985, the company is sold to Charles F. Andrews.
In 1991, Allied Music Corporation, owned and operated by the grandsons of the Getzen Companys founder, purchased the assets of the Getzen Company out of Federal Bankruptcy Court.
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