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In business from 1845-1885. Gautrot was a major litigant against Sax, which was finally decided in Saxs favor.
In 1875 registered trade names of Gautrot-Marquet, and Gautrot Aine. Firm was renamed Gautrot Aine-Durand et Cie in 1877. Couesnon became proprietors in 1883.
A.G. Guichard started in business in 1827. He was joined by his brother in law, P.L. Gautrot in 1835. They built the clavicor invented by Danays in 1839. Guichard was one of five makers who litigated against Sax. Gautrot became proprietor in 1845. The tradename of Guichard was continued be used by Gautrot and later by Couesnon when they took over Gautrot.
Sometimes for as much as ten years. Gautrot used the Guichard name, Durand maintained the association with Gautrot, Couesnon held on to the Gautrot name and so on. The company emblem would hark back as far as necessary to maintain the provenance. Thus the GA with an anchor covered both Guichard and Gautrot and was used by Couesnon for many years
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