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Geyer Instruments


Chicago, IL



  • 1895 Carl Geyer (1880-1973) is an apprentice instrument maker in Markneukirchen, Germany
  • 1903 Wunderlich advertises in a Leipzig newspaper looking for a brass repairman; Carl Geyer responds to ad
  • 1904 Carl Geyer emigrates on April 13th, starts working for Wunderlich making French horns
  • 1911 Earl Geyer, instrument maker, #1214 Blue Is. Ave., Carl is not listed in the city directory
  • 1915 Geyer is naturalized a citizen
  • 1918 Carl is the owner of a musical instrument making business at #218 S. Wabash Ave. (from WWI draft listing)
  • 1922 The French Horn Co., #218 S. Wabash Ave.
  • 1923 Carl Geyer is manager of the French Horn Co., #218 S. Wabash
  • 1942 shop still at #218 S. Wabash; Kagan & Gains at #228
  • 1950s Jaroslaw Lechnink joins Geyer repairing horns and doing engraving then later works for Schilke
  • 1955 Geyer sells the business to a partnership of Frank Brouk, Jimmy Polacek & Joe Cali; Geyer continues to make horns
  • 1963 a new Geyer French horn sells for $680; his shop is part of Kagan & Gaines Music store, #228 S. Wabash Ave.
  • 1970 Geyer retires at 90; over 1,400 horns made
  • 1973 Geyer dies on October 18th; his wife Sophie dies one month later; their home is at #392 South Cottage Hill in Elmhurst
  • 1977 Steven W. Lewis Orchestral Horns is founded; Lewis trained under Lechnink until his death in 1976
  • 1982 Kagan & Gaines is sold and moves to #7655 W. Roosevelt Rd in Forest Park, IL; bought by Joseph Cali, Sr. who worked for them starting in 1942 and was a partner in buying the Geyer business in the 1950s
  • 2003 Steven Lewis incorporates the name ‘Carl Geyer Chicago Co.’ on June 27th in a move to stop the use of his name by other makers

  • He only made 1,400 horns with only a very small percentage of them being Bb horns.

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