Horn-u-copia's Product Line Listing for

Conn Trumpet

Maker: Instrument: Sorted:

notes: This listing is intended to include only out of production instruments.
The dates listed represent what we have documented, but don't necessarily mean the acutal productions ranges.

Perfected New York Wonder Bb/A HP/LP

Produced: 1899 - 1904

Musical Truth: 1899, 1904
.484 C/Bb HP/LP

Produced: 1914 - 1914

F/Eb/Db with crooks

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Wonder D with crook to Db

Produced: 1888 - 1888

Catalog: 1888
Wonder G with crooks to F, E, Eb

Produced: 1888 - 1888

Catalog: 1888
Wonder F, with crooks to E, Eb, D, Db, C

Produced: 1888 - 1888

Catalog: 1888
Perfected Wonder 4 5/8 Bb/A

Produced: 1906 - 1910

Musical Truth: 1906, 1910
Triumphal Herald HP/LP

Produced: 1904 - 1913

Musical Truth: 1904, 1906 Catalog: 1913
New Symphony 4.5 HP/LP

Produced: 1912 - 1912

Musical Truth: 1912
Latest Creation

Produced: 1911 - 1911

Musical Truth: 1911
New Wonder 2B .453 3p , 1r

Produced: 1916 - 1916

New World Symphony 2B .453 4 5/8

Produced: 1926 - 1932

Catalog: 1926, 1930
New World Symphony 2B .453

Produced: 1940 - 1951

Catalog: 1950
New Wonder 3B .453 3p,1r HP/LP

Produced: 1916 - 1916

New World Symphony 3B .453

Produced: 1926 - 1933

Serial: 1933 (294xxx)
Victor Herald 3B .453

Produced: 1956 - 1969

New World Symphony 4B .453

Produced: 1926 - 1933

Symphony 4B .453

Produced: 1919 - 1922

Serial: 1922 (193xxx) Musical Truth: 1919, 1921
4B .484 Bass

Produced: 1961 - 1969

Serial: 1961 (903410) - 1966 (K312xx)
Victor 4B .438 5 1/8

New World Symphony 5B .453 HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1922

Serial: 1921 (182940)
New World Symphony 5B .453 HP/LP

Produced: 1926 - 1933

Herald 6B .453 4 5/8

Produced: 1919 - 1932

Catalog: 1924, 1928
Victor 6B .438 5 1/8

Produced: 1955 - 1985

Serial: 1959 (821xxx)
Herald 7B .453 4 5/8 HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1932

Catalog: 1924, 1928
Coach (bugle) 8B .453 Bb

Produced: 1919 - 1927

Catalog: 1924
Lightweight Artist 8B .438

Produced: 1963 - 1979

Serial: 1968 (L04296)
Symphony Grand 8B .453

Produced: 1932 - 1940

Catalog: 1935, 1940 Serial: 1932 (2890xx)
Coach (bugle) 9B .453 HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1927

Catalog: 1924
Symphony Grand 9B .453 HP/LP

Produced: 1932 - 1940

Little Scout 10/11B .453 HP/LP Bb Also known as Military Trumpet. Registered name as Little Scout in 1918. In 1926 catalogs, was also model 44/45/L

Produced: 1913 - 1925

Catalog 1926, Boys Life Ad 1919
New Era 10B .453

Produced: 1931 - 1940

Catalog: 1935, 1940
New Era 11B .453 HP/LP

Produced: 1931 - 1940

Aida 12B .438 HP/LP

Produced: 1910 - 1926

Musical Truth: 1910
Coprion 12B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1938 - 1955

Catalog: 1940, 1950 Serial: 1954 (378585)
Coprion Special 12B .438 Bb/A Nickel trim

Produced: 1939 - 1941

Aida 13B .453 HP

Produced: 1910 - 1926

Musical Truth: 1910
Director 14B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1954 - 1960

Serial: 1955 (510919)
Symphony Glantz 14B .453 C

Produced: 1936 - 1948

Catalog: 1937
Wurlitzer American 14B

Produced: 1919 - 1925

14B .484 C

Produced: 1926 - 1930

Director 15B .438 4 5/8 Bb/A

Produced: 1961 - 1969

Serial: 1969 (M96973)
Wurlitzer American 15B HP

Produced: 1919 - 1925

Rosebrook 16B .453

Produced: 1919 - 1929

Director 17B .438 Coprion

Produced: 1961 - 1969

Serial: 1966 (H71xxx)
Rosebrook 17B .453 HP

Produced: 1919 - 1929

Director 18B .438 Bb/A Coprion

Produced: 1954 - 1960

Serial: 1955 (512391)
Glantz 18B .453 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1935 - 1941

Catalog: 1935
New Wonder 18B .422

Produced: 1919 - 1921

18B .438 4 5/8 C/Bb/A LP * 1928 Catalog says it has same bore as 22B

Produced: 1922 - 1937

Catalog: 1924, 1937
New Wonder 19B .422 HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1921

19B .453 4 5/8 C/Bb/A HP/LP * '28 Catalog says it has same bore as 22B

Produced: 1926 - 1935

Catalog: 1928
Connquest 20B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1954 - 1955

Serial: 1952 (416587)
Wonder Symphony 20B .422 LP

Produced: 1919 - 1921

20B .438 4.5 C

Produced: 1922 - 1929

Catalog: 1924, 1926
Connquest 21B .438

Produced: 1955 - 1956

Wonder Symphony 21B .422 HP

Produced: 1919 - 1921

New York Symphony 22B .438 4 4/8

Produced: 1922 - 1952

Catalog: 1924, (1928, 1930, 1937), 1950
New York Symphony Special 22B .438

Produced: 1934 - 1941

Catalog: 1940
Victor 22B .438

Produced: 1953 - 1970

Opera Grand 24B .438 4 5/8

Produced: 1921 - 1930

Catalog: 1924, 1928 Musical Truth: 1921
Opera Grand 25B .438 4 5/8 3p , 1r Bb/A LP

Produced: 1921 - 1930

Catalog: 1924, 1928
Victor 25B .438 C

Produced: 1961 - 1969

Serial: 1961 (903422)
Orchestra 26B .438 3p , 1r

Produced: 1919 - 1921

Symphony 26B .453 4 5/8 3p , 1r Came with an A slide as well as with a Bb/A slide with rotor

Produced: 1913 - 1931

Catalog: 1924, 1928 Musical Truth: 1913
Symphony 27B .453 4 5/8 3p , 1r Bb/A HP/LP

Produced: 1913 - 1931

Catalog: 1924, 1928 Musical Truth: 1913
Concert Grand 28B .484 4 5/8 3p , 1r Bb/A

Produced: 1921 - 1932

Catalog: 1924, (1928,) 1930
Connstellation 28B .459 5

Produced: 1949 - 1955

Catalog: 1950 Serial: 1953 (424xxx)
Concert Grand 29B .484 4 5/8 Bb/A HP/LP

Produced: 1921 - 1932

Catalog: 1924, 1928
Pan American Thirty-B 30/31B .422 4.75 LP / HP/LP Becomes 66B

Produced: 1919 - 1931

Catalog: 1924,1927
Elkhart Band 32B .422 Bb/A

Produced: 1930 - 1948

Elkhart Band 33B .422 HP/LP Bb/A

Produced: 1930 - 1948

PA Rotary A 34B .422 4.75 3p,1r HP/LP

Produced: 1924 - 1930

Catalog: 1925, 1927
Victor 34B .484 Eb Alto

Produced: 1956 - 1969

Pan American 35B .422 Bb/A HP/LP

Produced: 1924 - 1929

Victor 35B .422 D

Produced: 1961 - 1969

Connstellation 36B .438

Produced: 1961 - 1979

Serial: 1962 (997366)
PA Selmer American 36B .438

Produced: 1926 - 1929

Elkhart Band 36B .422 3Pup+1r Bb/A

Produced: 1929 - 1948

PA Selmer American 37B .438 HP

Produced: 1926 - 1929

Connstellation 38B .438 5 1/8

Produced: 1955 - 1985

Serial: 1968 (L35378) - 1969 (M67382)
PA Selmer American 38B .422 3p,1r

Produced: 1924 - 1926

Conn-queror (vocabell) 40B .453

Produced: 1932 - 1941

Catalog: 1935, 1940 Serial: 1933 (293178)
40B .453 Eb Alto

Produced: 1921 - 1930

Conn-queror (vocabell) 41B .453 HP/LP

Produced: 1932 - 1941

Pan American Universal (W 42B .422 4 5/8 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1921 - 1931

Catalog: 1925, 1927
Pan American Universal 43B .422 C/Bb/A HP

Produced: 1921 - 1931

Pan American (Wurlitzer L 44B .422

Produced: 1921 - 1929

Elkhart band 44B .422 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1929 - 1948

Pan American 46B .453 Bb/A

Produced: 1930 - 1931

Conn-queror (vocabell) 48B .453 5 1/8

Produced: 1938 - 1962

Catalog: 1940, 1950 Serial: 1962 (997490)
Conn-queror 49B .453

Produced: 1937 - 1941

Pan American Stencil Line 50B .422 Bb/A

Produced: 1936 - 1939

50B .453 Eb Alto

Produced: 1928 - 1930

International Small Bore 50B .422 LP

Produced: 1919 - 1919

Pan American Stencil (Sea 51B .438

Produced: 1924 - 1958

Catalog: 1924
Connstellation 51B .462

International Small Bore 51B .422 HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1928

Pan American Stencil Line 52B .422 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1936 - 1948

International 52B

Produced: 1919 - 1919

International 53B HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1919

New Symphony 54B .438

Produced: 1928 - 1948

International 54B

Produced: 1919 - 1919

International 55B

Produced: 1919 - 1919

New Era 56B .438 4.25 3p , 1r Bb/A

Produced: 1928 - 1932

Catalog: 1928, 1930
Pan American Stencil Line 56B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1939 - 1948

New Era 58B .438 4.25 3p , 1r Bb/A 28 Catalog shows w/o rotary

Produced: 1928 - 1938

Catalog: 1928, (1930,) 1937
Pan American 58B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1946 - 1954

PA Stencil (Continental) 58B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1954 - 1958

New Era 59B .438 3p , 1r Bb/A

Produced: 1931 - 1938

New Era 60B .438 4.25 Bb/A

Produced: 1928 - 1931

Catalog: 1928, 1930
PA Slender Stencil(Contin 60B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1936 - 1948

Sixty-B 60B .459 4 5/8

Produced: 1967 - 1972

Serial: 1968 (L23732)

Coach (bugle) 62B .484 G

Produced: 1926 - 1929

Catalog: 1924
Pan American 62B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1939 - 1946

Coach Horn 63B 4 5/8 G

Produced: 1924 - 1929

Catalog: 1924
Pan American Frat Slender 64B .438 4.25 Bb/A

Produced: 1931 - 1948

Catalog: 1931, 1935
Pan American Frat Slender 65B .438 Bb/A HP/LP

Produced: 1934 - 1948

PA Prom 66B .422 4.25

Produced: 1931 - 1939

Catalog: 1931
PA Prom 67B .422 HP/LP

Produced: 1933 - 1939

Pan American Classroom (W 68B .422 4.25 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1931 - 1948

Catalog: 1931
Pan American Deluxe 68B .438 Bb/A Nickel trim

Produced: 1948 - 1951

Elkhart Band xLong Model 70B .422 Bb/A

Produced: 1931 - 1948

Connquest 77B .438

Produced: 1957 - 1979

Serial: 1962 (92xxxx)

Serial: 1980 (HF011431)

Serial: 1956 (596xxx)
PA Stencil (Jenkins-Conti 90B .438

Produced: 1936 - 1948

Cavalier 92B .422

Produced: 1930 - 1933

Cavalier 94B .438 Catalog: 1936

Produced: 1933 - 1948

Cavalier 96B .438

Produced: 1933 - 1948

Pan American Stencil line 108B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1948 - 1956

Coprion 112B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1942 - 1942

Pan American Custom Line 208B .438 Bb/A Nickel Trim

Produced: 1950 - 1951

PA Jobber line 308B .438 Bb/A

Produced: 1950 - 1953

Sets of instruments by Makers will be periodically added to this table. This listing is intended to include makers where the majority of their model designations are known.

It should also be noted that for most makers, there will be examples in the catalog where the model is unknown and therefore not represented in this listing.

Currently listed are:

Bugles Cornets Flugelhorns Fluglehorns Mellophones Sousaphones Trumpets
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Altos Alto Horns Ballad Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns Helicons Mellophones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Baritones Bugles Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Mellophones Sousaphones Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas

If you have further information on any of the listed Models or have images of any of the Missing Models, please Contact Me.