Horn-u-copia's Product Line Listing for

Conn Cornet

Maker: Instrument: Sorted:

notes: This listing is intended to include only out of production instruments.
The dates listed represent what we have documented, but don't necessarily mean the acutal productions ranges.

4in1 .469 Eb/C/Bb/A

Produced: 1876 - 1883

Serial: 1878 (4xx)-1883 (2033) Catalog: 1881
American Orchestra Bb/A Designed to tune to Bb and A Hi Pitch or International Pitch

Produced: 1894 - 1900

Musical Truth: 1894, 1900 SN 45111: 1897

Produced: 1889 - 1904

Clear Bore Vocal C/Bb/A

Produced: 1878 - 1878

Conn-queror .453 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1900 - 1902

Serial: 1902 (15493)
Conn-queror Vocal .422 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1902 - 1902

New Creation .484 Bb/A Patent April `907

Produced: 1907 - 1909

Serial: 1909 (115762)
New Invention/Circus .484 4.75 or 5 Bb/A HP (Bell: 4.75, Length: 15.25) and HP/LP (Bell: 5, Length: 16.25) versions Bb/A mechanism Invisible stop abandoned in 1911

Produced: 1911 - 1920

Catalog: 1913 Musical Truth: 1911, 1914
New York Wonder 4.75 Bb/A

Produced: 1899 - 1904

Serial: 1902 (68508) Musical Truth: 1899, 1904
New York Wonder Vocal .422-.453 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1878 - 1905

Musical Truth: 1899, 1904
Wurlitzer Lyric .469

Produced: 1900 - 1900

Wonder C/Bb

Produced: 1892 - 1892

Wonderphone Bb/A

Produced: 1907 - 1908

Serial: 1908 (107252)
Wonder Bb/A

Produced: 1886 - 1905

Wonder, New York Wonder, .422 Eb Patented 6/15/1886 Leader's Soprano

Produced: 1887 - 1914

Catalog: 1888, 1890 Musical Truth: 1901

Produced: 1886 - 1886

Perfected Wonderphone Bb/A

Produced: 1908 - 1910

Musical Truth: 1910
Perfected Wonderphone Voc C/Bb/A

Produced: 1908 - 1910

Musical Truth: 1910
Perfected Wonder C/Bb/A mechanism

Produced: 1905 - 1908

Perfected Wonder C/Bb/A

Produced: 1910 - 1911

Perfected Wonder Bb/A mechanism

Produced: 1905 - 1910

Serial: 1910 (115158) Musical Truth: 1906
Perfected Conn-queror 4 5/8 Bb/A HP/LP

Produced: 1902 - 1910

Musical Truth: 1906, 1910 Older models had an extra tuning slide for LP, the incorported into tuning slide. Ref to 1904
Light Valve Eb

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Light Valve Eb

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Clear Bore Vocal C/Bb/A

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Solo Bb/A

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Besson Bb

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Distin Bb

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Artist Equa Tone Valves Bb

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Courtois Bb

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Courtois Eb

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Pupil Besson Eb

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Pupil Besson Bb

Produced: 1881 - 1881

Catalog: 1881
Wonder Solo Bb/A Patented 6/1886

Produced: 1886 - 1894

Catalog: 1888, 1890 Musical Truth: 1894
Wonder Vocal/Wonder Solo C/Bb/A Patent 6/15/1886

Produced: 1886 - 1894

Catalog: 1888, 1890 Musical Truth: 1894
Perfected Conn-queror Voc 4 5/8 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1904 - 1910

Musical Truth: 1904, 1906, 1910
Booster BB/A HP/LP

Produced: 1913 - 1914

Musical Truth: 1913, 1914
Wonder 2A .422 4.5 Eb LP

Produced: 1919 - 1929

Catalog: 1924
Victor 2A .422 Eb

Produced: 1961 - 1969

Wonder 3A .422 4.5 Eb HP

Produced: 1919 - 1929

Catalog: 1924, 1926
Victor 4A .469 4.5 Bb/A mechanism

Produced: 1926 - 1932

Victor 5A .484

Produced: 1961 - 1971

Victor 6A .438

Produced: 1956 - 1962

Serial: 1961 (903514)
Victor 6A .453 Bb/A LP

Produced: 1926 - 1933

Catalog: 1926 Serial 1933 (296xxx)
Victor 7A .453 Bb/A HP

Produced: 1926 - 1929

Catalog: 1926
Victor 8A .469

Produced: 1932 - 1941

Catalog: 1935, 1937 Serial: 1932 (283226)
Victor 9A .484 Coprion

Produced: 1961 - 1963

Artist 10A 5.125 Coprion

Produced: 1956 - 1961

Serial 1959 (82067x)
Wonder Vocal 10A .453 4 5/8 C/Bb/A LP

Produced: 1917 - 1929

Catalog: 1924, 1928 Serial: 1921 (198xxx)
Victor 10A .438 Coprion

Produced: 1956 - 1961

Wonder Vocal 11A .453 4 5/8 C/Bb/A HP

Produced: 1919 - 1928

Catalog: 1924, 1928 Serial: 1920 (169452)
Coprion Special 12A .469 Bb/A

Produced: 1939 - 1941

New York Wonder Parlor 12A .422 Bb/A (Pocket cornet) New Invention in 1913

Produced: 1887 - 1919

Catalog: 1888, 1913 Musical Truth: 1899, 1904
Coprion 12A .469 Bb/A

Produced: 1938 - 1955

Catalog: 1950 Serial: 1941 (243910)
Director 14A .484

Produced: 1954 - 1960

Director 15A .484

Produced: 1961 - 1971

Serial: 1962 (950134)
Director 17A .484 Coprion

Produced: 1961 - 1971

Director 18A .484 Coprion

Produced: 1954 - 1960

Serial: 1956 (557xxx)
Connquest 20A .484

Produced: 1953 - 1955

Director 26A .484

Produced: 1930 - 1941

Catalog: 1935, 1937 Serial: 1941 (340005)
Pan American Solo 28/29A 4.75 LP / Hp/LP 29A Discontinued in 1927

Produced: 1924 - 1929

Catalog: 1924, 1927
Connstellation 28A .436

Produced: 1955 - 1969

Serial: 1957 (678841)
Pan American Standard 30/31A 4.75 LP

Produced: 1924 - 1925

Catalog: 1924,1925
Pan American Vocal 32/33A 4.75 LP / Hp/LP C/Bb/A 33A Discontinued in 1927

Produced: 1924 - 1929

Catalog: 1924, 1927
Concert Special 34A .453

Produced: 1953 - 1954

Concert Grand 36A .469

Produced: 1940 - 1952

Catalog: 1950 Serial: 1948 (376619)
Connstellation 37A .484 Nickel plated brass bell

Produced: 1961 - 1963

Victor 38A .453

Produced: 1935 - 1941

Serial: 1936 (308xxx)
Victor Special 38A .453

Produced: 1935 - 1941

Catalog: 1937, 1940
Connstellation 38A .484 Trigger

Produced: 1964 - 1971

Connstellation 38A .484 Trigger Coprion

Produced: 1961 - 1963

Conn-queror 40A .469

Produced: 1932 - 1941

Catalog: 1935, 1937 Serial 1932 (2861xx)
PanAmerican New Wurlitzer 46/47A .469 LP / Hp/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1929

Pan American Wurlitzer 48/49A .469 LP / Hp/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1929

Conn-queror 48A .460 4.25

Produced: 1934 - 1951

Catalog: 1940 Serial: 1934 (298627)
Pan American Stadium 50/51A .469 LP / HP/LP

Produced: 1931 - 1938

Catalog: 1931, 1935
Pan American Student 52/53A .422 C/Bb/A - LP / HP/LP

Produced: 1931 - 1938

Catalog: 1931
Pan American York #47 53A

Produced: 1931 - 1931

Pan American Campus 54A 0.468 4.5 Bb/A

Produced: 1931 - 1941

Catalog: 1931
Pan American Slender 55A .484 Bb/A HP/LP

Produced: 1934 - 1934

Pan American 56A .484 Bb/A

Produced: 1939 - 1946

Cavalier 58A .484 Bb/A

Produced: 1946 - 1954

Pan American Bandmaster 60A .469 Bb/A

Produced: 1926 - 1929

Catalog: 1926, 1927
International Bent Bell 60A .422 LP

Produced: 1919 - 1928

Pan American 61A .469 Bb/A HP/LP

Produced: 1930 - 1930

International Bent Bell 61A .422 4.25 HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1928

Pan American 62A .422 C/Bb/A

Produced: 1930 - 1931

International 63A .422 HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1928

Pan American Slender 64A .469 Bb/A

Produced: 1936 - 1936

International Bent Bell 65A .422 4.25

Produced: 1919 - 1928

Catalog: 1924
Pan American Circus 66A .469 Bb/A

Produced: 1937 - 1937

International Bent Bell 67A .422

Produced: 1919 - 1924

Pan American Deluxe 68A .484 Bb/A Nickel Trim

Produced: 1948 - 1951

International 69A .422 HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1928

International 71A .422 HP/LP

Produced: 1919 - 1928

International 73A .422 HP/LP C/Bb/A

Produced: 1919 - 1928

Catalog: 1924
Elkhart Band Slender Mode 74A .469 Bb/A

Produced: 1931 - 1931

International Bent Bell 75A .422

Produced: 1919 - 1928

Connquest 76A .484

Produced: 1961 - 1971

Serial: 1969 (M33037)
Connquest 77A .438 Bb/A mechanism

Produced: 1957 - 1961

Pan American Selmer Ameri 78A .469 Bb/A

Produced: 1924 - 1924

New Wonder/Victor 80A .484 4 5/8 Bb/A mechanism

Produced: 1914 - 1941

Catalog: 1924, 1930 Musical Truth: 1916 Ref to 1914, 1921
Victor 80A .484 Bb/A

Produced: 1932 - 1971

Catalog: 1935, 1950
Victor 80A .484 Bb/A Coprion

Produced: 1952 - 1952

Victor 81A .484 4 5/8 Bb/A HP/LP mechanism

Produced: 1914 - 1927

Catalog: 1924, 1926
Victor 82A .484

Produced: 1928 - 1935

Serial: 1928 (227276)
Victor 83A .484 HP/LP

Produced: 1914 - 1926

Victor 84/85A .438 Bb/A mechanism LP / HP/LP 84A discontinued in 1924

Produced: 1918 - 1926

Serial: 1924 (216265)
Victor 86/87A .438 LP / HP/LP

Produced: 1918 - 1924

Victor 90/91A .422 4 5/8 Bb/A mechanism LP / HP/LP

Produced: 1924 - 1926

Catalog: 1924
Cavalier 90A .453 Bb/A Catalog 90A

Produced: 1930 - 1938

Victor 92/93A .422 LP / HP/LP 93A Produced 1925 - 1926

Produced: 1924 - 1930

Serial: 1930 (227609)
Cavalier Stencil Line (Co 92A .453 Bb/A

Produced: 1924 - 1926

Pan American Circus Stenc 108A .469 Bb/A

Produced: 1948 - 1956

Coprion 112A .469 Bb/A

Produced: 1942 - 1942

Pan American 208A .469 Bb/A Nickel Trim

Produced: 1950 - 1951

Director 25A 4 5/8 Limited Production

Produced: 1972 - 1974

Serials: R23871 - GE420560 - model number appears in factory engineering spec sheets
Pan American Jobbers Line 308A .484 Bb/A

Produced: 1950 - 1953

Sets of instruments by Makers will be periodically added to this table. This listing is intended to include makers where the majority of their model designations are known.

It should also be noted that for most makers, there will be examples in the catalog where the model is unknown and therefore not represented in this listing.

Currently listed are:

Bugles Cornets Flugelhorns Fluglehorns Mellophones Sousaphones Trumpets
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Altos Alto Horns Ballad Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns Helicons Mellophones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Baritones Bugles Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Mellophones Sousaphones Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Trombones Trumpets Tubas
Alto Horns Cornets Euphoniums Fluglehorns French Horns Helicons Mellophones Sousaphones Tenor Horns Trombones Trumpets Tubas

If you have further information on any of the listed Models or have images of any of the Missing Models, please Contact Me.