
ID 8136 Raoux-Millereau French Horn
Instrument French Horn
Maker Raoux-Millereau
Serial# 7842
Date Made 1920s
Prod. Range
Pitch F
Description Engraved: FABRICATION ARTISTIQUE | MILLEREAU | Breveté | H.SCHOENAERS Succr. | Fr (fournisseur) du Conservatoire | 15 rue Gambey | Paris | COR - RAOUX| MaR (Mark of Marcel Auguste Raoux 1795 1871) On 2nd piston: 7842 | Millereau | Breveté | Paris Ascendent model
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ID 6864 Raoux-Millereau   French Horn
Instrument French Horn
Maker Raoux-Millereau
Model Raoux
Date Made
Prod. Range
Description The Maison Raoux was founded in Paris and produced from 1685 In 1857, J.C.Labbaye bought the name and production rights. In 1878, the firm was bought by Millereau. Later Millereau was overtaken by Shoenaers, and then by Selmer. Engraved 66 rue dAngoulême - Paris which dates it to between 1879 and 1911, Bell ring: Raoux Breveté SGDG- Fournisseur du Conservatoire | 66, rue dAngoulême - Paris Bell: Millereau Ring: A.W.GILMER & Co Sole Agent | 2 gt Malborough St. London W Oval Stamp "R" for Raoux. Valves: oval stamp Millereau-Paris
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